Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Normally I wait till as late as I can to post the songs I have because I try to wait and see all the new songs that drop for the day. Today however, I have had two songs that I have had in my head all day. The first one is by Cascada and Im sure you've heard it. It was a big in Europe all summer and I heard it this morning and its been in the head all day. Its really poppy and mainstream but through all the bullshit its pretty decent. The next song is by this woman named La Roux. She's pretty good and I like her stuff a little dance with a different sound, its also pretty popular so I wouldnt be surprised if you all have already heard it. The beat is pretty sick and the girl has a real cool style so Im a big fan. Other than that Im off on ten day trip to see some of Eastern Europa and see the parents for a European style Thanksgiving. I will do my best to post my designated day but if I cant Im sorry.

1 comment:

Jimms said...

Bullet proof... I LIIIIKKKEE!