Hey dudes it's Jimms from PC. Der Der and I just got off the mountain and are hanging at the pad watching some football and chewing our lips off with our new favorite chew, Copey "Wintergreen." The other boys are at work. Haha. Sucks for them. It snowed 2 feet last night so we got some good freshies this morning, and some fun jibbing time! Der Ders gettin the board slides down and in no time he'll be friends with Jed Anderson on Fbook, and sportin an airblaster onesie jumpsuit. D-Hunt, Gabe, and I hit the bars the other night and I got a feel for the Park City culture. Drinks are cheap as fuck out here! Pbr's are a buck and bud lights are 2 bucks. At this bar "Star Bar" they have one dollar mixed drinks for a buck as well. Fucking Rowdy baby! Gabe and I were keeping a low profile due to the fact that some dude Hunt knocked out the past weekend was looking for him and because we wanted to observe, and see if Hunt was going to lie or not about making out with a girl since I bet him a 12 pack he wouldnt. Of course he lied and said he made out with this random broad but Gabe and I were looking at him the whole time and his tongue never left his mouth. JESUS! no pun intended. So I've observed a few things out here so far.. First of all I have learned that no one, and I mean no one associates themselves with the state of Utah.. It's Park City only. The other day one of Gabes buddies was rambling on about how much he hates mormons and thinks they are closet meth heads on the chair lift and der der got extra quiet haha. Gabe has adapted quite well to the lifestyle here and he carries with him witty sayings such as "TIPC" meaning This is Park City. I think he got the saying from the movie Blood Diamond but we'll let that one slide. Der Der still thinks every girl wants to fuck him and I'm still harassing the general public, but other than that not too much is new. I haven't been able to bring my new camera out becuase it's fucking snowing like shit out but I'll definitely get out and on the mountain mid week for all of your viewing pleasures. Hope all is well my dudes!
Heres a Jam that we have all been digging out here.. Great for when your super blazed on the chair lift!
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros- Home

damn, im fucking jelous. im shredding manana with jay and clayton and will try and bring a little cam or something...i think that storm that just hit you guys is coming over here, except were only gonna get 7 or 8 inches.
but anyway, those pictures are dope..new camera must be amazing.
also, that song you posted is super sick. its like hipster country. big fucking fan.
wait...you got two feet of snow and went jibbing??? i expect more from you guys. thats a straight up rookie move.
Oh come on the jib park is at the bottom of the pow runs!
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