*I recommend looking at all of the links
This post doesnt involve new music or new stories coming from this side of the world. The semester is shortly winding down and I am happy to say that I am coming home, god willing, on friday! This semester has been crazy for me as I have received the chance to experience a new culture and language. My quest to become fluent is coming along slowly, nonetheless it is still coming along. I have met new people here who I truly enjoy spending time with and will forever hold a place in my heart as being the people who I experienced so many new things with. Though I am fortunate to come back next here (Sevilla) next semester there will never be again a first time. As you all know I am a pretty big hip hop head. I like everything from the mainstream radio to the underground (not the type which no-one knows about, I mean the real mixtape stuff they have all over the streets). I try to stay up on the newest rap possible especially gangsta rap. This however has been rather difficult while being abroad but I make it work. XXLmag.com has been doing a article all week on the decade of hip hop. I can honestly say that my favorite years were (suprise, suprise) when 50 came out and GUnit had its biggest buzz (2002-2005). Since then the rap scene has been okay but nothing too special, especially as of late. Though there have been some good albums nothing has really stuck out. That all changed last year when Mr. Cudders himself appeared with a Kid Named Cudi. I must admit that Dunc was the first person to really tell me that this cat was good and that I should pay attention. I must say that I was skeptical however, I wasnt feeling Day N Night and the last person Duncan vouched for left the game after a religious calling. After listening to the mixtape I was convinced, this guy is going to change the game. Since being in Spain, I have done my share of downloading and listening to music. And I am convinced that Kid Cudi, not Drake, is the best thing to happen to the genre since mister 5-0 dropped Get Rich or Die Tryin' . I know Im not stating any new facts because we all love mr cudders but really take a second and listen to what unbeleiveable music this man makes.
I was inspired to write about this after Jimms' post of the Pursuit of Happiness video and after Mitro's post on individuality. In a genre where it is looked down upon to admit at ones faults (see 50, kayne, Drake-Weezy, Raewkon) Cudi has continued to show us that he is human (Aside from this nasty freestyle). He is accepted amongst the rap community (my man 50 invited him to the thisis50 fest), which is truly amazing. Cudi is everything I love about music; rap with a melodic flow, singing, truly incredible beats, and amazing shows (look at around 50 seconds). He has provided me with memories to last a life time here in Spain. I guess I truly love his music because when I first came to Spain everything was new and nothing was familiar; the people, the language, the bitches, etc. and at this time the rap business was struggling to put out good music. Then Man On the Moon came out and I fell in love with the genre one more time! Maybe Im just jockin real hard, but to be honest I dont really care. I think what makes him so much better is because I have a group of people who truly respect his music too. Its crazy how music brings us together, especially when we have so many different tastes. Though I am thousands of miles away this blog always brings me closer to what is going on within your worlds and cudders just enhances that feeling. If I had it my way Cuds would win every grammy he was nominated for! Anyways he has provided me with the soundtrack 2 my life (atleast for this semester) and as a result I want to leave you all with my favorite song of 2009.
the blog is getting deep, im digging this shit.
whether cudi's soundtrack to my life or tiesto's new album everyone is able to find an escape through music. sometimes when i start to think about music and i am perplexed that it has the ability to evoke the emotion that it does.
Gregorian chant began a movement, Mozart continued it, and Cudi is able to have that same effect...
doin' work. friday cant come soon enough doggy.
1) did you hear them emntion my boy Loon's name in that interview? I havent heard that shit since the 7th grade
2)It is super crazy to think that we were bumping the exact same tunes every thursday night as you were all semseter in spain.
nice fucking post doggy
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