Saturday, December 26, 2009

Interesting Inde Covers/ youtube videos

Hello Fam Fam. Felt musical and decided to show you all some sturrrf. Same ol Same ol for Jimms right now; Still in lactose denial, still waiting for Billy to accept me on fbook and still looking for that 5' 5" skinny middle parted blonde with snake skin boots and a long white tank on. I heard Todd's hangin with rim job Loper for New Years, gonna catch a steak at "Islands" and then watch the Gangland marathon till the ball drops or till Todds balls drop i couldnt understand the text....Sucks to be out of state huh Race. In Tahoe, Mitro and I are thinking about reenacting the escalator scene in Rainman with suits and all. Cool huh Todd. Der Der I hope your staying out of trouble and that you got that job so I can do the finger trick to you in line instead of some random dude who thought i had dementia. Miss all you cats and can't wait to get caaraazzyy in tahoe with Hirsch-phi Lan-phi Matt-phi Magg-phi Em-phi Cor-phi and Katephi!

This was done in one take, Audio/Video..

Nyle - Let the Beat Build

Pomplamosse - All the single ladies

Mark the CobraSnake (HollyWood Photgrapher) directed this low budget video of "I'll get you" starring his girlfriend Cory Kennedy (Hollywoody modely girl.) He's got a really funky style and the more I learn about him the more I think he's a huge douche bag only famous for being friends with Steve Aoki and Dj Am. This chick is pretty damn cute though. Mitro would definetly approve for my taste in woman. Yadida?

Classixx- I'll get you