Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Merry Christmas Light Show and Yadidaa

tis the season for some holiday spirit- I just got the christmas lights out, and they remind me of EDITED FOR CONTENT.
I'm pretty sure this is a fellow E-guy and he was rolling when he decorated his place

On a finals week note, I came across these flashmob videos yesterday. It seems a new "Library flashmob" craze is crossing the nation. Students at multiple university's are organizing raves in their school libraries. The idea is 1000's of students privately organize to rave in their schools library and when the time comes the library staff will be unable to take any action against the mob. From the videos the students seem to be having successful takeovers. (UNC, OSU, UK, UVA to name a few) Students figure out music at the good ones. I know Uconn is planning one on facebook right now and I am curious when the Davidson library is going to be invaded...

1 comment:

lando said...

This is what happens when too much adderal is ingested in the library.

Even the beef couldnt turn down an opportunity like this to eat some candy.