As you guys know, film has always interested me. Unfortunately you never really get to see the passion I have have for it living in Santa Barbara. Ceda-baum has a better shot at finding a latka stand at Mecca, then one does film in SB. Either way, make no mistake, my passion for film rests somewhere between Jimmy's obsession with cheese and the Beef's inseparability to his middle school Vans..
ALthough it takes an enormous diversity of talent to create a movie, its no secret that there are whole movies written with a certain actor or actress in mind. Although they receive more money than the whole crew combined and more attention than any human should ever be given, an actors talent is not something to be taken lightly... Brad Pitt has givin us some of the most memorable roles of our decade, from the "fuck society" rebel of Fight Club, to the tough as nails Pikee of Snatch, to everyones favorite butcher in Inglorious Bastards.... Edward Norton held his own next to Pitt in fight club, scared the shit out of us in American History X and took De Niro's place in the world of nut job hustlers in Rounders. Not to mention Don Cheatle, Russel Crowe, Robert Downy jr., DiJimon Hounsou, etc that I have shaped modern film into what it is today.
Even with all these great names above, if i could sit down and shoot the shit with one person in Hollywood it would be Jared Leto. If being a front man wasn't enough (30 seconds to Mars), Leto never fails to deliver as an actor as well; Requiem for a Dream, Lord of War, American Psycho. Time and time again Leto always gives us a little taste of insanity in each of his roles. Nonetheless his uniqueness drives his character on and off the screen and in a world where nothing is truely promised to you, where today it snows and tomorrow it rains, his captivating nature will always be his to own.
This post starts the first of my new series, "Sunday Screenings" which will hopefully give you a look into one of my passions and help u appreciate films you have seen, want to see and should see.
Thanks for reading. Heres my favorite video from this year directed by none other than Leto himself. Its LA, fixies, even a little bit of Banksy, all in one of the most beautifully shot videos of the year. Blow it up big and enjoy...
P.S. heres a screen shot from a Skype convo detailing Jimmy's new love affair with Breyer. Merry Christmas Everyone.
That Convo is JUUUICY.
ps. Lando I ruub u/ Jared Leto
Great post my man!
sooo fucking sick.
that video blows my mind
merry christmas hiplectic!
I just saw that this video is a free download on Itunes right now if you want to see it in all its High Def glory.
sick video. had no idea he was also in 30 seconds to mars
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