Hello all, hope your breaks going well so far and you haven't had to resort to recreational drug use or the "breathing game" to make use of your time. I Miss the BEEF. You'ze a sexy bitch Beef. So today we hit up the Canyons today at noon due to a massive hangover that was achieved through 20+ plus beers last night. Der Der didn't get kicked out of this establishment like he's known to do, rather he met an Italian cutie named Justine that he was all about throughout the night. He planted a seed, we'll see if anything comes of it! I'm pessimistic. SO as we cruised up to get on our first chair lift blaazzed as all hell to cure our hangover we arrive at the lift line where an Asian woman named Diane approaches me and then proceeds to tell me that she is a surveyor for the resort and asked if she could ask me a few questions. Long story short I was high as all hell on the lift, and kept wanting to crack up at all the questions the little woman was asking me. She asked me questions and then wanted me to answer on a scale of 1-10.. I just wanted the little nipper to shut her trap so i answered 10.. 10... 10.. 10.. to every question. It was good times. good people as Deezy would say. So we got up to the park and shredded the gnar for a little then I decided to take some snaps. The only kids worth shooting at the Canyons were the skiers who were throwing down some decent steezyness. Check it! Rich and Weina boy get here tonight.. this should be interesting.
savoie is addicted to cigs now?
i miss beef too.
and savoie has been addicted.
i read it on juicycampus
i'm unaddictable
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