Hey duuuuuudes and dru's. Heres a little trailer I put together for a project i'll be working on all school year. I believe each individual that embodies our group brings something special to the table and am working on a project that displays our awesomeness. Don't get too scared next time I have the hidden cam set up late night Race, it's for your own good! If anyone has input or ideas let me know at anytime!
looks good
don't try and denounce your hater status blip, embody it
ahh, this edit gets bettter and betttttter errry day
I sent this to my mom and she called me this morning saying she loved it then she told me she had a dream I was gay. "Must have been all the close up of the guys in your video."
someone should of told her that there were warning sings
Sweet video but how do I get no face time in the utah edits?
i miss you fools. april 23rd we're doin ti big
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