As I stumbled into my room this evening I noticed the beef sitting on my couch watching Nat Geo with a stiffy on, twiddling his thumbs with a shit eating grin on his face. I could tell Toddy wanted to tell me something but I wasn't sure just quite what it was... Then he begged me to grab my HD cam out of my drawer so he could tell me about a business plan he was contemplating pursuing which involved an interactive zoo in Newburry Park... I noticed he had a back pack on about 34 minutes before I walked in and i'm pretty sure it toted a helium filled tank. After screaming at me for a couple minutes Todd then told me to get my filthy camera out of his face so he could go back to drawing giraffes on his etch- a -sketch... Just incase you all needed ideas for bday gifts this friday I decided I'd throw this up...
i think the cameraman had some helium too. And that giraffe turned out sick as fuck
i like your keeping your blog game up. good work jimms
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