MGMT's album Oracular Spectacular was a hit. No one can argue with this, as the album got spins at parties, weddings, bar mitzvahs, circumcisions, and even on Todd's iTunes. However, as many of the 'hating hipsters' (cough cough JIMMMY) have claimed, MGMT sold out and lost touch with their indie vibe. First and foremost there is no way these guys could've dreamed up their success that would ensue as a result of the fact that they one of the members claims that he is living in an alternate universe after the last vial of acid he drank. Sure, your kid sister had Kids as her ringtone, but if you truly believe that these guys were shacked up with Bubs on the streets of Bodymore shooting up heron trying to find a way to break into the top 40, your nuts. Don't get me wrong, they have capitalized on their success (but not like Passion Pit who once they realized their 'potential', they decided to go on a 3,653,000 college tour hitting D1, D2, D3, community colleges, and even online universitys to perform a show) by simply reinvesting their earnings in more acid, shrooms, heoroin, and whatever other drugs are known to man kind. As a result, they've created some pretty sweet, but inaccessible tunes.
Both of their upcoming album Congratulations, I present to you Congratulations here(very relaxed for MGMT, as it stolls alongside a lazy bass line with little company. It’s got a great melody and other than the classic MGMT touches near the end, this song would fit in nicely in the 60’s or 70’s) and Flash Delirium here (a fun, all-over-the-place track that sounds like it could be the theme song for a comic book hero – a hero that fights crime only after several doses of acid)
Andrew VanWyngarden is a hipster without a cause.
bubbles is a working man
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