Never really thought of it like this before. Does it mean anything? Who knows, but I think its pretty crazy/interesting how closely the 2 maps correspond to eachother. I originally saw this graphic on the door of one of my Poli Sci professors. I googled it, and I eventually stumbled upon a blog called Mirror on America. Its a pretty sweet blog whose contributors pride themselves on "spin free" political commentary. Its pretty provocative, and the writers know what they are talkin about. If your as deep into the politcal science game as me or just want to read some thought provoking shit, I recommend checkin it out.
PS. You didn't think I was actually gonna make it through a whole blog post without a Wu-Tang reference did you?
while not a wu-tang song persae, this cut is off of Method Man's most recent solo cd, "421: The Day After" (2006). Entitled "Dirty Mef", the song features the late great Ol' Dirty Bastard. ODB's style is very rough and can prove tough to appreciate for the average hip-hop fan, but I think his contributions to this song are examples of some of his more accessable material. All of ODB's contributions to this song were recorded in 2004, right before his untimely death. untill next time
Obama carried Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia... all "confederate" states.
i was limiting the scope of the post to the 04'come on now adams
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