Wednesday, February 8, 2012

David Choe, The man that banked 200 mill for spray painting Zuckerbergs palace

Here is the Howard Stern Interview with David Choe, the man that opted out of $60,000 upfront from Sean Parker and Zuckerberg, instead taking a "risk" and taking a shit ton of options. Choe seems to be a man haunted by his skill, a bit neurotic, genius artist and a chaotic soul. He is a huge fun of Howard and really lays it all out there for our entertainment. He is a self proclaimed degenerate gambler as well as a past criminal, check out this interview to gain a little insight on this crazy man and what he plans on spending his bank on. This is a must listen-to.

David Choe And Sean Parker discussing new Graffitti at Facebook headquarters, which Sean calls schizophrenic. Parker seems super unhappy with the work, reminds me of the scene in the Social Network where he tells Zuck to DROP the "THE". 


Jimms said...
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Case 4 A Cause said...

well just listened to that guy for an hour and a half w stern, good piece