Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Delonte West... BAD ASS MOFO (Really though)

Holla Hiplectic Nation...

It has been a while since my last post and I apologize sincerely for that. I had to run it by my IT guys and see if it was against company policy to blog from work. They told me as long as I don't watch any more videos of Mitro spooning Amanda Mersand I shouldn't have any problems with HR. Apparently there is a PDA policy that I signed when I started.

Anyways, I am sure you sports fans have been following this Lebron James situation with great interest. All those FAKER fans (most delusional fan base in all of sports) out there are probably having wet dreams about the Lakers somehow pulling off a miracle and signing him... but it ain't gonna happen. However, it should be interesting to see where he actually does end up. Word on the street is that it won't be with the cavs. Apparently, his boy Delonte West has been banging his mom. This is an email sent to the sports blog DeadSpin.

"My uncle is the general contractor at the Q and has been for the last 7 years. He is good friends with a lot of guys at the Q including some of the bigger boys in the organization and knows Gilbert personally. I was just told from my brother that a very reliable source informed my uncle that Delonte has been banging Gloria James for some time now. Somehow I guess Lebron found out before game four and it has destroyed our chemistry and divided our team. This is no joke, the only player worse then Lebron has been Delonte. I am not making this up, I wish it wasn't true but it happened. Wait and see if lebron stays you will not see Delonte in a cavs uni again."

Here is a link to the story (Which is pretty much a big rumor) http://deadspin.com/5539388/

Delonte West is one of my favorite athletes on the planet. Not because he is good at bsketball, but because he is crazy. This is the dude who got caught cutting off a police officer on his THREE WHEEL motorcycle with one gun strapped to his waist, one to his leg, and one inside a guitar case he was wearing on his back. Dude is bat shit crazy. He also has got some pretty funny freestyle game... check it out.


ehhh Jay said...

Only time I sing about food is when im High as a kite.His boy seems to be rolling something up and Delonte is rocking the shades. He definitely went up on the cool meter after this video

Jimms said...

Damn that is one educated black man.