Wednesday, May 12, 2010

An Excellent post from bar stool sports

Keep in mind I wrote none of this, but I'm loving this article so i thought I would share

From Cleveland Plain Dealer
“I put a lot of pressure on myself to go out be great and the best player on the court, When I’m not, I feel bad for myself because I’m not going out there and doing the things I know I can do.”
“I spoil a lot of people with my play,” James said. “When you have three bad games in a seven-year career, it is easy to point that out.”

-Lebron James

How is it possible that I didn’t make these quotes up? Like Lebron really said this shit after the game yesterday? He felt bad for himself for the way he played last night? He spoils people with the way he plays and it’s unfair to criticize him when he’s had 3 bad games in 7 years? Oh my god! This guy is a bigger douchebag than I thought and I already thought he was one of the biggest frauds in the history of sports. I mean can you picture MJ, Bird or Magic saying something like this after a game like that? Not in a million years. Bottomline is the guy has had everything handed to him his entire life. He’s never won anything. He’s never had to earn anything. He’s never taken responsibility for anything. All I hear every year is how the Cavs have gotten better and built around Lebron. Well maybe the surrounding parts aren’t the problem? Maybe Lebron is the problem. Maybe he’s not the next Michael Jordan after all, but rather the next Tracy McGrady. A guys with all the talent in the world but can’t fucking win a big game or series for the life of him. Because that’s what it’s beginning to look like to me.

1 comment:

GP said...

Finally, someone not on Lebron's sack. Real talk Gabe