Thursday, July 15, 2010

This is my hood?

Thought I should let you guys know about this gem I found on deadspin. It has everything you could ever want in a video. Pregnant black women with no pants fighting each other, black dudes knocking out pregnant women, and cops getting punked on their motorcycles. This all happens in my backyard. Where are the BART police when you need them? Souz knows what I am talking about. Oakland.

around 6:30 is when it goes from good to GREAT.


Deezy aka the giant said...

wow, i cannot believe i watched all of this video.

i guess i have a thing for preggy chicks in neon pink leggings rocking some granny pannties??

but those cops got played, hahah

Jimms said...

Take notes Danielle

GuzzNa$ty said...

Damn, beat me to the punch Adams.... saw this today was going to pawn it off as my creative master piece...