Thursday, October 7, 2010


Uncertainty is the biggest cause for anxiety in my life, and right now, I am engrossed in it. I always imagined that the end of my academic career (at least for now) was going to take similar form to my last day of 4th Grade--Our Mom takes my brother and I out for burgers and shakes with out friends at Round-The-Corner. We ride our bikes and explore the creek, collect bugs, jump off the diving boards, and stay out late playing kick-the-can. The freedom of youth. Uncertain Bliss.

Yet, 12 years later I am about to be granted infinite freedom, and the contrast couldn't be more stark. Through talking with friends and family, I have begun to realize that ones Working career is a journey--filled with an eclectic group of networks, experiences, and skills learned. Your journey (along with some luck) is supposed to help you find your true calling.

However, I find it impossible to view my first job as a mere stepping stone. The structure-based world we know as school will suddenly disappear. The 18 years up until this point has created a dependency of structure and certainty--and I am being forced into the ocean without my water-wings.

All this stress--coupled with applications, cover letters, interviews, school work, and the incessant meetings pertaining to Associated Student--has really inhibited my blogging game. My music downloads are stagnant, I have no sense of current events, and have been completely encompassed in this mess--seeming to compound the looming future.

Yet, here I am--writing, listening, watching--and I realize my friends and family are the most certain part of my future. A tangible piece of me that will remain constant. "There is no certainty, only opportunity"

Here is a dope visual for a sweet new Radical Face Song called Doorways. Maybe times were a little simpler then, but the future was inevitable. (PS This video was made for $150. All the kids are his family, and he paid them in Pizza!)

Download the Track HERE


Jimms said...


Looking back at your previous posts one can really get a feel for your style in music, film, and life in general. Hiplectic is a far greater tool than any of us imagine.

Very consistent bro

Reminiscent, deep, imaginative, and all around more stylish than Todd's new vans. this song and video embody childhood and its purity. Paid in PIZZA!? where do i sign up??

goose said...

My dude, graduation scares the shit out of everyone. But so does graduating high school, so does entering high school, middle school, and all major change. I was absolutely shitting myself senior year but the truth is, after graduation and possibly for the first time your life is 100% yours. So enjoy the rest of college and don;t let worrying about the future ruin it. Rest assured that while I can't say every year is better than the last I will say that every year is equally awesome and dynamic.

BLIPlectic said...

GO TRAVEL BEFORE YOU GET A JOB... it is almost impossible to do it for any serious amount of time after you have one.