Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Sorry boys. Looks like you all will have to go back to using roofies to get laid. The FDA just warned four different makers of alcoholic energy drinks that the liberal amounts of caffeine that they add is an "unsafe food additive." This basically amounts to a cease and desist letter as the companies have 15 days to pull the product or defend their drinks as safe. Word is that Four Loko already is pulling caffeine from the drink.

You can read more in the article here:

The best part of the article is what the FDA commissioner said the effects of drinking these beverages are.

"The combination of caffeine and alcohol in the drinks creates a public health concern and can lead to "a state of wide-awake drunk," said FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg. Evidence has shown their consumption has led to alcohol poisoning, car accidents and assaults, she said.

Clearly they forgot to include rape, STDS, and unwanted pregnancies.

So since I am posting that means I have to include some hipster beat that gets all you to share the media fire link with each other on the book and say something like "omg this song is bonkers....DJ MAG top 100 for sure." Here is a link to the top ten four loko theme songs.

1 comment:

Deezy aka the giant said...

Anyone wanna cruise SOS tonight and buy all the watermelons they've got in stock???