Greetings mi amigos! Hope all of you enjoyed a fantastic thanksgiving and gorged yourself with turkey, potatoes, stuffing (except for Jimmy who told me instead of eating a traditional thanksgiving meal, he was going to eat an entire 190 Costco Pack of craft singles). Anyway, I made the executive decision to take off that fucking annoying password (compliments of Pruett). The reason for my decision was entirely in my own self-interest with particular regards to two main issues: 1) its a pain in the ass accessing the blog on my cell phone when I'm in class, especially when I have to type in my password and email.

2) Many of you may not no this, but on October 25th I embedded a program called google analytics into our blaag. Essentially, Google has created the ultimate way to monitor the people who visit your site. The image at the top (click to make it big) represents our visitor overview.

The statistics are pretty self explanatory, but please not the anomaly on November 4th when idiot posted the blog in his status. Google analytics allows you to do other crazy shit like see what continents/countires/regions/cities the hits are coming from and even lets you see what kind of computer our site was accessed on. However, as you can interpret (or even imagine if your too lazy to click on that first box) our hits were significantly reduced after we put the password restriction on the blog, and in turn, made checking google analytics boring as fuck.

Now, I'm not sure what all these stats mean, but I'm putting Weeks in charge of compiling a comprehensive demographic analysis to help further expand our music/commentary to the rest of the world (except for the people in the little town of IV--shouts to Pruett)
ooooh statistics, graphs and pie charts give me a CHUBBY@!!!
hahah fruit loop. Glad to see were back in business... Google adsense anyone???!! muhahaah
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