Sunday, December 27, 2009


So recently i was driving with tyler going through some of his play lists when i stumbled upon one called SBT. I then proceeded to open the playlist and see some classic techno tracks, so i asked him "what does SBT stand for?" and he replied sweet boning tunes. I know everyone has a favorite song to make passionate love to, and by passionate love i mean tickle their chest cavity with no emotional attachment. So i propose this, what song would you include in your SBT playlist?


Flowerchild said...

Not Exactly. best song to bone to hands down. confirmed

lando said...

Hacienda Contact Night Exactly

Jimms said...

Now that's what I call music 7.. Wholesome album

I mean the thong song is on it

VISKI said...

Im a real big fan of A milli by weezy but i guess if I had to choose another it would be Revolution No ordinary girl