Wednesday, June 6, 2012

'Experience Venice'

Hey Friends. I know we don't post here too often but I also know that we all check the blog at least once a day out of habit, curiosity and hope! #obama. So i've been living down In LA for about 8 months now and although I can't say i've been doing exactly what I want to be doing and am not exactly where I would like to be, I can say that the love I have for filming and editing continues to grow. I can also say that I can valet park a car on par with Mr. Paul Walker himself (hey even Paul dinged a few Mitsubishis, it wasn't till he met Lil Bow Wow that he got his legs).

I completed the first stage of The Groundlings Improv school last month and I can say it was an unbelievable experience. Not only was it great to see how things run in the industry and to meet some amazingly interesting people it was great public speaking experience and gave me a lot more confidence speaking in front of strangers. This was huge for me. EO and I got admittance to move on in the program and audition for the next stage which we will be doing soon here, at the latest next month as EO has some commitments up in SB still, the kid is great, he is like a creative wall to bounce anything and everything off of, no matter how weird, crazy or awkward the ideas are. The kid judges no one.. Except for a Hispanic kid named Jose in our class who didn't wear shoes, this literally pissed EO off so much that he couldn't make eye contact with Jose throughout the 8 weeks that our class lasted. #doyoujose

Anyway, in the meantime (a lot of the time) I've been filming skating, and everything venice for the past few months compiling footage for an idea that came to me after watching those red bull ads featuring M83. Filming strangers in a non structured arena and format has thrown me out of my comfort zone and made me less nervous standing with a camera pointed at people that don't know why they have a camera pointed at them. At first I was hesitant but by the end of the project I was pretty care free which has been great and allowed me to concentrate on the shot and not on what the person is thinking about me. It's these little things that I believe has made the most difference on progressing in this craft. I am stoked to have an edit in which I can send out to people as a reel or resume if you will. Up until now I didn't have that, although the hawaii edit was amazing because of Mitro and Duncs somersaults and Bob #doyoubabygirl @maxi_pad. I hope you guys like and I miss all of you ohhhh sooo much, can we all just eat chicken ciabattas with crazy sauce and gossip/Grade-A hate soon please?

 CLAYTON I just heard that you received a promotion at RedBull and I would like to congratulate you sir, on this HUGE move. From what i've heard you are basically running the department in which you have been working in, and that sounds like the best possible thing that can happen. Keep up the great freakin work and please continue to let me live vicariously though your red bull instagram posts.

Also, congrats to Race for getting into CU engineering, although I kind of liked the idea of you giving tours to foreign exchange students in SB, talking down to them similarly to how you talked to the clerks at iv deli. "I said no cheese dickwad, I'm lifting quads tomorrow"

I'm sure all the rest of you are doing similar amazing stuff as well

'Experience' Venice from HIPLECTIC on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Deezy aka the giant said...

Awesome Jimms. Freaking awesome. #CaltrainBloggin