Saturday, January 26, 2013


While Deadspin has been Uber busy breaking the Manti TE'O story, I have received various twitter direct messages and snap chats from Junior bloggers at the now Notorious and credible blog DEADSPIN onion that some brave and fearless amatuer blogger has hacked into the Hiplectic mainframe (breaking through the GOD annoynomous username) and has successfully changed the Hiplectic banner.... SOME said it could not be done as the algorithm was so sophisticated that the creators of the Pirate Bay have posters of Duncan on their walls as the creator of the soul greatest blog in the history of blogs.

Some say a protest has taken place in an underground tunnel somewhere in Mogadishu where frustrated dedicated hiplectic viewers have been rioting since early 2011. Around this time there was a complete and utter downfall of the once thriving and prominent blog that spat out the coolest content on the internet. People are mad. People are asking for answers. People demand an answer. What has happened to Hipectic???

Was this the work of Banksy? We are all asking for answers and some say only one thing can bring this unrest in the cold and wet tunnel to a stop...

BLOG my friends !! BLOG!!!!!!!!!

Girls of Hawaii from BottleSurf on Vimeo.


BLIPlectic said...

They have tunnels in mogadishu?

Deezy aka the giant said...

Blip, underground tunnels from Mogadishu to my private island, Socotro.,Socotra&gl=us&sa=X&ei=guQFUdDWMMbliwKFs4DIBg&ved=0CDQQ8gEwAA