Tuesday, May 25, 2010


As the year comes to an end i felt it was necessary to do some polling! We all think about our blogging antics on a daily basis (monthly for Mitro) so why not see some results! The winner of blogger of the year will receive the craziest most vagina wetting pair of hiplectic shades north of Newbury Park!

Only vote once!


BLIPlectic said...

It's like you already ranked them jimms...some subliminal shit.

goose said...

dude you can see the results before you vote...

goose said...

dude you can see the results before you vote...

mitro said...

i like how you set yourself up to win 80 % of these

Jimms said...

Sooo what gabe!

Jimms said...

I actually came up with a question for each member of Hiplectic that appears on the banner minus Pruett. So in fact, I had everyones interest in mind. EVEN YOURS!

goose said...


VISKI said...

Blogger of the year Fuckers, I want to thank all the hoes as they have allowed me to come up with new and interesting things.

BLIPlectic said...

someone needs to add up the votes and make sure everyone only voted once... it should be one than less than normal cuz obviously race isn't voting. If he was there would be 1 vote for him for every single category.

Racial said...

-1 vote for Adams as best commentator; obtuse sentence structure aside, I still don't think you're anywhere near a humorously accurate slight. FWIW

Jimms said...

Damn Viski I was hoping you weren't gonna win cough shipping charges cough haha maybe we'll wait till you get out to the CO or something, I'll talk to Duncs about how to get you the freshest sunglasses I have ever seen in my life. And I've been to 16 country's and like 20 fashion weeks in NYC.