Tuesday, July 6, 2010


As I dropped my 3g into my mamosa on on July 4th I was a bit worried and concerned of the uncertain outcome that was soon to be concluded. Fortunately for me I saved it using the Duncan Kenney method of "ricing" it for a few hours until I got drunk enough to remove it from the bag and start texting like nothing happened. Fortunately for me everything is FIIIINNEEE today and my iphone is fully functioning. Some may say this was done on purpose to have an excuse for getting the new one but thats all bullshit. ANYWAY.. Lets just say i'm a little excited for this new Iphone 4. Duncs gave me the heads up yesterday that he will be purchasing the new iphone and I couldn't be more stoked for him since he keeps talking about recording everything his last year of college. I did a little research on the video aspect of this new tricky little gadget and found some pretty crazy stuff.

Heres the first official MUSIC video shot and edited on the iphone4

First Official iPhone 4 Music Video - flakjakt "Cascades" from Marty Martin. themartymartin.com on Vimeo.

Here is DSLR conversion option so-to-speak but would cost you a pretty penny and is a little stupid if you ask me, but hey to each his own.



BLIPlectic said...

How much does it cost if you don't get an upgrade?

Jimms said...


BLIPlectic said...

what does it cost with an upgrade?

Jimms said...

don't you have fucking google

BLIPlectic said...

i am getting conflicting reports... somebody is lying to me jimms and I don't think it's the internet. Plus I thought hipsters didn't believe in money.