Friday, August 6, 2010

No one man should have this much POWER.

Kanye released his new "video" of power last night--actually, according to his twitter, "It's not a's a moving painting." At only a 1:44 long, I really did not know what to expect, and I am still digesting it. First time viewing instructions: 1080P, full screen, and "An Idiot's Guide to 15th Century Art".

Shits definitely against the norm, but Kanye is trying to break new ground and create something that lasts longer than a 3 month rotation on MTV's trl. I am not sure this is it, but it's a step in the right direction. #progress


Deezy aka the giant said...

haha damn, every-time i watch it I like it more. So fucking sick.

Jimms said...

the visual was said to be inspired by Michelangelo’s frescos in the Sistine Chapel, and depicts “an empire on the brink of collapse from its own excess, decadence and corruption.”

I haven't watched it yet and won't until harry potter is over and can fully enjoy this but i have to share this link to provide further insight on this project.


GuzzNa$ty said...

Pretty f'ing epic to the say the least, dude is arrogant, hates white people...and still undoubtedly a genius.

Jimms said...

this is the tits and the ass