Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rule #1 never make a rap nigga a friend, but I run up on a mother fucker rap nigga benz

So Guzzy's post got me thinking about things and how amazing this past year has been for me. I cannot agree more with him with the fact that we need to be aware of what goes on around us. I have 13 days left here in Europe and its quite amazing that my entire year is slowly coming to an end. I remember when I arrived in Sevilla earlier in the year without any knowledge of where that city would take me, the people who I would meet, or just in general the experiences that I would have. My god how I have changed in one year. I was fortunate to meet people who I would consider some of my best friends in the world, seen and lived in what I think is the most beautiful and most charming city in the world (for sure it has some of the sexiest girls in the world too; CALI girlies have nothing on the Sevillian beautiful babies, sorry boys). When I left that place it was one of the hardest things that I have ever done in my life. Im not a bitch but I cried like you guys wouldnt believe. My last two months there I would wake up at 9 30 am go to the gym to work till about 2, then go to my other job which was at a travel agency, then a nice little siesta followed by going out to the sickest discos I have ever been to in my life till 6-8 am ever morning, I would be lying if I didnt say it was heaven. More than anything though I fell in love with the language and after being with all of my spanish friends and then my Hungarian friends here in Hungary I truly realize the power that language holds and how I recommend all of you to try to pick up another language, it truly opens up parts of the world and allows you to meet incredible people. I guess what Im trying to saying whether we are here in Europe, CALI, Boston, Utah, NY, we all are living and experiencing incredible things and places. Remember everyone you meet and everything little thing that you go through. Try to strike up as many conversations as you can cause everyone has their own story and their own universe that one should try to enter; we can learn from everyone. The last thing that I have to say is always remember to THUG on them hoes. A couple of our members (you know who you are) have gone pretty soft with this girlfriend nonsense and as a result Jimmy I'm going to come out to SB to hang out with you and Arnau and the girls can call each of us MACavelli.

Now you know I cant leave a post without leaving some music for you all.

Sixth, I think we have easily the MIXTAPE of 2010 (atleast so far). Today The Game released Break lights which no lie has the lyrical content to be an album. This is for the heavy rap heads I think its dope as fuck so enjoy. Here is one of the stand out joints. Favorite lyrics : Yeah I slim but im not Shady, got cash money but Im not Baby, I will spazz and break your dreads, Im insane but Im not crazy, Im The Game but dont you play me or you'll get smashed with extra gravy.

Finally, since this is my year in Europe wrap-up I figure I have to give you my favorite song since Ive been over here. There were alot of contenders from Cudi to Drake to any of the numerous house songs. After heavy consideration it is a tie between Shakira Waka Waka (Spanish Version) and Stereo Love, both of which will forever bring me back to Sevilla and hold a special place in my heart.


Deezy aka the giant said...

damn fool, you are actually alive.
thanks for the update and the music.
the states are excited to get you back...

ps. games mixtape is on the BWSVol1 level, a dig?

VISKI said...

Couldnt agree more

guidobeach said...

legandary post. being open minded and then 'chisin babes and the techno and drake... full spectrum insight. But i really liked hearing ur gonna visit us in sb to hit the streets

GuzzNa$ty said...

Great post...good read... enjoyed it for sure